Possibly the truth

"The pain we encounter comes from the illusion that some moments can be held onto. "

I have problems of not letting go of the past, and truthfully. Its haunting me, I honestly feel like im so moving forward, so done and dusted but you know what? I feel stuck on most days, rasa kosong. Past, you just gotta stay away. Take your memories from me, erase em all, just be gone. I dont want not even bits of residue of it. I am getting nightmares from my past mistakes.


Do they remind me of my failures?
My heartbreaks maybe?
The things I could have done right?
Maybe things I could have done differently?

Im so sorry, I was a jar of pain in the ass. I was terribly constant in being so hard to handle, so detrimental. I have issues, I only know now, the magnitude of the mess I am. Im sorry I couldnt word out, the issues I had. Chaotic.

Some days, I feel like I have so much in my chest. I just feel like im sinking in. My heart hurts, mostly, because I let go, of something I could have let go in more gentle manner. I am sorry. It went on and on, even more with pervasive ideas.

I was fragile and making my surrounding even more fragile because of the way I was. I am sorry. I was so immensely scared, constantly pushing people away.. I pushed so hard, I blame them for questioning myself was I not worth the fight? When, I was so frequent in throwing words. Push me away, stop loving me, go away!

Send help, so I can root me to my loving self. Remind me that all was not lost. These stalled emotional state isnt fair to anyone, myself included.

Gently now, say it with me.


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