
Hi! It's me....again, after a year later.  

(Just wanna remind myself : Writing certainly gives you a sense of belonging, of comfort. You're here again, to think, to express, to write. After the all the hassles in life, here you are to collect yourself and share some bit. Dont forgot how great this feels, you have always loved writing in blog. No pressure, no expectations, its just you..and your quiet mind. Best part; you are your own main person here). 

08th February 2022; It has been almost 7 months and 1 week since I have been married. Yup, thats right. I got married to D. Things went so fast but I dont feel like sharing every little details here. Things are always so hectic and dramatic around D and me. But it's okay, he always has his arm wide open for me. I love you so much, D. My sun and moon. My life for all that I am. 

Its also been a year and two months since I have been working. My company has been treating me well. Im about to get the hang of "adulting". I take work seriously but I have learn to take myself even more seriously. I wanna say that I matter and what I want, matters. 

I have gained a lot of weight, to be precise I am about 7kg heavier since I finish my degree back in 2020. I gained a lot, sometimes I hate looking at my photos - almost ashamed and embarrased. I know too well I havent been eating clean nor have I been exercising. Working from home doesnt help too, always just sitting infront of the PC. Doing work and work and getting stress over work and over-eating. Not that I am self-destructing, but in the midst of adulting..I realized that I havent put much attention to myself - which is why I mentioned that I have to learn to take myself seriously. My health is not going to wait for me, as I plan, I have to make things move too. I know I know. Easier said than done, sometimes I just wanna let myself sink in and just absorb all that lazy that no mood stuff.

A lot has changed. Friends, family and everything around me. Not necessarily bad and nothing too good too I guess? Ill spare that topic. 

I have learn that I so much enjoy talking to myself in the car, talking about what makes me sad or happy. I might sound scary but when I say things out loud, it makes me feel more at ease. It helps. 

I'll write again soon, Bye Mr.Beebloggy. 


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