A wednesday-ish day

Assalamualaikum. Howdy! Gimana semuanya?beres beres ngak? (Please read this in indo slang) So..... First.

1)SPM dah habis. It has been 13 days since spm has ended. Syukran
2)I already passed my L license. Gratsies!
3)I am currently the maid in my house
4)Im working at kumon (and the kids are absolute every inch adorable)
5)Been a bit busy. Not so actually. busy doing idk what........ hm

Thus, i shall speak of me! what else would i share right?if not about me:P hahaha call me self-obsessed. bluergh whatever. Hence, i shall point out a few topic and elaborate about what i think regarding that topic

1. Cats
I love cats. Lagilagi yang tecik tecik and bila dia meow, a baby meow. like "meeyaw" (guna nada baby-ish). I hate when cats get rogol, it looks suffering. NOT THAT I WATCH THEM DO "IT". But ive once saw it happen...ngeri!

2. Love
Love..................................hm if you love something so merely. When it leaves you, you'll feel like this hole in your chest. Your eyes start raining. You feel like something hurts somewhere, but you cant bandage it, or put medicines on it or etc. You'd wish that it was a physical damaged, rather than a emotional damaged. Once you've felt it for your self, then you'll know what i mean. But i heard a tv commercial spoke "Cinta itu bukan melemahkan..."Therefor, Believe in what shall be believed. It has been said, If its meant to be then it shall be

3. Favorites
Turquoise, Ocean blue, Peach (the colour, the smell, the taste), Beach, Mommy Daddy, Friends, Boyfriend, Classmates. Happy people. Positiveness.

  HELLO! CANTIK TAK TUDUNG BARU SAYA?GOT BINTANG BINTANG ON IT! ngeh continue.......................................

I think kan, my eyes ni. pantang sekejap je, dah layu. Apahal lah?! You want a piece of mee!! I give you mee kungfu!!!! (PEACE.)

if only you'd see how school like is awesome. Rindu sekolah...........kbai


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