What i think

Hello, and peace be upon all.

Today i didnt go to school, clock went fast this morning. sedar sedar je dah 7 am, was too late to go since ada assembly. So skipped school today (with parents permission opcoz).
Hmmmm ni cek nak habaq, have you ever feel macam nak lari ke dunia yang takda orang yang kita kenal?
What im trying to say is, a certain individual can really bug the bugsom out of you. Me, myself get so easily annoyed with people. Tak kira siapa and i wish to get ride of this bad bad behavior. Honestly speaking, sometimes the people who are dearly close to you are to ones who can hurt you the most. Not all, but some lah...some. From experience growing up to realize,
1.people do get distant from each other
2.forever doesnt last
3.Words beat harder than a fight

Sebenarnya "makan dalam" eventhough some call it a joke. Lama lama orang akan penat, and eventually just leave what's meant to be left and malas layan.I am actually going thru a phrase where i feel being alone is better, mungkin this is weird. But being alone does make one grow up and be more independent. Surely i know i have somewhere i can lean on, but right now i think i am my own shoulder and its comfortable. Some where over the rainbow, probably nice people are there. I mean nice people :)


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