Half bottle.
She shared her stories- Her stories commonly starts with how life is almost never treating her right. Life somehow isnt kind to her, she has so many issues that distraught her, so many small and big things that got most of her, so much on her plate she questions so many why's, partly of her story; how much of a victim she has been all this while. Layer over layer, I understood that it was all true, life isnt treating her the best. It isnt fair and I can only wish and pray that she got her turning point; where she can finally blossom and she can finally, at least, be content and happy.
The stories then keeps unfolding, where most points are how sad things are, the agony, the dissatisfaction, the painful memories, the disappointment, the unhealthy circumstances, the clarification she never got. A point where you really want to help her, be that fire spirit! Its okay, things will get better. I understand it must be really hard for her, may there be greater days ahead.
Then, it continued. Day to day, you can sense some bit of her that really likes attention, and i mean, the glow on her face, the small laugh she giggles when people give attention, the body posture that are obviously taking remarks if attention is given. Odd.
Years go by, I still wanted to be that fire spirit, but that fire is now almost ashes. Worn out, barely ember. Here we are; still at the same story, life has been treating her unfair, after awhile of being that fire spirit that was always by her side, now witnessing how life is treating her unfair- she's always the one to give so much and yet to receive so little. She's always the one to be left behind, because she has her times where she isnt the easiest to be around. She's always so sad, she doesnt get to go to places and actually be in a moment of happiness because she is always held back from the things that she assumes and predicts that requires her to keep a distance from the places, things and experience that she always wanted. Time was never kind to her, she never got good timing, she never decided timingly and time never waited.
Years and years and years and years, passed by. I had heaps of her stories, she shared her stories again, she's sad again, she is trying to understand how things are; oftenly she breaks emotionally, again. With the same MO, she is sad. And here I am, quietly assesing why is it that things happen to be this way. You cant help but to try and fix things...right? So, I went through a week of getting things done for her; it took me a lot of dedication, time-management, taking initiatives, and most importantly making the right calls (or being decisive) and for that time, finally realizing; in her stance, I can see her life is actually quite nice. Nothing too bad, nothing too extreme, just alright. Life actually hasnt been that sad, she is just seeing it that way. I know I cant blame her for seeing things that way after all that she's been through, all that has experience in the past that oftentimes she thinks back of how unfortunate those days were for her. Just that.......I hope she knows, time doesnt wait for anyone.
Girl, life is almost never fair. Never given to you on a silver platter with a guidebook. Some get it great, blessed to be surrounded by pure and genuine souls that really are nothing but a bucket of kindness. And some just get it hard, blessed but maybe not enough. Odd how blessings work; but pause for a minute - blessings? Have you heard the more you accept your circumstances, the more there are blessing. Yes, things have been hard, its not easy and sometimes it never does get any easier. Which is why, you gotta really be dedicated, that time management issue that you got? Fix it. Take initiatives, what are the plans? What could be done? Maybe just put yourself first. Go and get those nice things, buy things for whoever you want. Decide and execute! Life surely is unfair but life is great once you get the hang of it. Be happier for the small small things, take it easy and enjoy your own company. Remind yourself, that you have you.
Its going to remain sad, until the day you decide youre done being sad.
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