Back then, i used to be a person who sees another as if i was a little more superior. Just because i can communicate better in english, or just because im wearing a hijab or even blindly because i feel superior. And now, i strictly believe all of this superiority shit, is garbish.
Just because you can commute better english, does not make you a brighter person. Having the advantage of communicating in english earlier than others, is a bonus. But it does not mark me as a knowledgeable person,. Having a degree does not make me any smarter than those who do not own a degree, yes from qualification, it gives a mark. But as an individual, any person is just as smart as anyone who seeks knowledge.
And wearing the hijab, does not automatically make me a sin-free person or the person closest to God. It is an honorable thing, but it doesnt not certainly identify you as a good sinless person. A girl in hijab could probably be meaner, wilder or even worst than the girl who shows her belly button off, vice versa.
Having greater health, greater wealth, greater looks does not make anyone superior than the other. Be humble, look down and be thankful of the million things you take granted for.
Same concept i would like to mention, sadly and disgustingly- about the individuals who misuse the islamic titles and are completely horse shit. I mean, please, Islam is a beautiful religion, it surpasses kindness, humanity, and all the beautiful positive feelings in the world. So stop the "i am an ustaz, holier than thou" act. You claim yourself an ustaz, but you molest and rape children? you claim yourself a hafiz or alim, yet you rape girls from generation to generation and keep them silent? What kind of human are you?
My heart shatters, how can this happen?
If you are religious and one closer with the creator (you know yourself better). Show the good sides of Islam. Go against hatred with love, because in the end, the power of love always win.
& If you aren't that religious, its okay, one day things will be better. Just be kind.
Humans are bound to sin, we are not angels, but we can always fight the inner demon inside in us.
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