My dad.
I love the time i have with my dad. Since im studying in Setiu, Terengganu. My travelling hours extand to 6hours every time i want to go back home. Some part to love, some part just beyond annoying. But anytime spent with my dad, is always a time well spent. My ayah, 60 years old already. very strong. There was this moment, i was on my way to Kuala Terengganu to my aunts house. He said he was reaching 60 years old and lifes way short to be living it indecisively. Cause some things you just gotta do it, life is hard when you make it hard. Do things right by Islam and just do it. In the end, the life you get to live in the world is just a tiny drop in the bucket. Another life, an afterlife awaits us. My dad has his flaws, well humans all have flaws. Thats why humans are called humans. But when it comes to giving advices, he is the right person to talk to. Maybe some time around we reach to no agreement,and that should not cause a problem. Matter of fact, it should turn into another voice of opinion (a good thing), another way of looking at things. Different people have different opinions, no ones to blame since we dont all have the same dna's why should people expect we think alike right? Parents are such a blessing in life. The image of them gone in our lifes one day, it crumples my heart so bad i feel like begging my parents live prolong way beyond normal humans live. No one in their right mind would want to imagine a life without parents anyways. Back to the topic, sometimes in my life i should just go with my facts and figures and tawakal je, because (over)thinking can be poisonous..stick with one decision, and go for it. Truthfully, crying over spilt milk is no good, you get no benefit from it. Betul sangat apa orang kata, life has its ways of teaching and all mistakes are made from the wrong things done. Tapi, it'd be nice if we could skip the mistake and taste perfection. I think im getting really sick and tired of thinking way too often than i should, plannings are just plans, rezeki orang lain-lain, ability of each person pon lain-lain.
On another note, id just like to express how lovely and how bless i am that my parents are mine. my dad and my mom both have taught me well, in every aspect of life. If im doing something wrong, its not because my parents didnt teach me well its because i still lack a lot. Thats fine,since everyday we are a living development of our own selfs. Words cannot convey the level of bless i am to have my mak and my ayah.
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