sem break (again)

Well hello. I am currently in my second sem break, but its a short one because i have a short sem
(sem3) so yeah. *sighs longer sem break please*. Ive been rather busy this short sem break, juggling between too much. As always, a driver, a maid, a chef, moms PE, what else? ha ha ha. Serious tho, being at home i wake up around 650am and sleep around 2am. But when in college, i usually sleep at 12/1 and wake up arund 8am. WHY? BECAUSE COLLEGE IS SO TIRING.

oh and ive been selected for my college's student representative council and syukur i won just by a different of 10 votes from my opponent. Got elected as international relation exco. Soooo thats that.

I dont have much to say but its been the 5th day of my sem break, and i havent done anything productive for myself yet. BUT i can tick one of my bucketlist! hehe finally, yesterday was the first time my friends and I went to a roadtrip all together 7 of us and also some boyfriends tagging along. The destination was Melaka. If youre wondering why melaka? because thats the farthest my friends can go as for now cause of plenty reasons. Melaka was nice but going with my girls always excite the shiz outta me. My girls make me go craycray monkey cray when im with them, might neglect everything else when im with them. Happy vibes all the way!

Nothing happy or interesting to share actually. Just felt like writing a dull text about how unproductive ive been through out my sem break yang ciput babun betul. (excuse the french)

I hope anyone else thats reading this is in good condition, Takecare, hugs


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