#20factsaboutyou is knowing facts about the people your close with or even yourself! :D
Starting with ainaa,
1. Friendly and has a gorgeous smile.
2. She bought me a shirt (identical shirt) when i was14. It has Ddung written on it
3. Loves laksa so much
4. Sensitive about certain issues
5. Easily entertain, laughs abt the smallest things
6. Loves her kitten, each and every one of them
7. Loves her boyfriend
8. She likes to eat chocolate but her teeth is sensitive. So she decides to eat choc and bare the pain
9. I love her fmly, the whole fmly, such a welcoming fmly
10. Cries when her cats dies
11. Loves to dance (lagilagi dpt lagu bollywood)
12. Loves to eat the brown egg, telur pinang?
13. A honest person
14. Best support system
15. If you have her as your best, youre the luckiest
16. She likes the colour green
17. Once cried while riding a rollercoster
18. Wanted to gain weight so bad (dulu)
19. She's really serious with sejarah. Like drop dead serious.
20. Used to loveeeee nescafe until she was forced to stop
1. When i was in form1, i wanted her face. So cute
2. Beautiful hair
3. Cutest dimple
4. She smells like vanilla. Bcs thats her always scent. Vanilla frm bodyshop
5. She wants to change her teeth, but i think their perfectly fine
6. Does a lot of random things
7. The first to drive among us
8. If i was sneaking out going somewhere, itll probably be with her and anis
9. She seems manja but is actually independent
10. She has beautiful siblings, all so sweet and kind
11. Her mom cooks gooooood food!
12. She likes ayam goreng
13. We used to text each other first about what to wear when going out
14. I cried badly when she moved school to ptrjaya when we were 15
15. She has a great sense of fashion
16. When shes with her bf, shes on top of the world. Really happy
17. Her house once used to be my third house after ena's house
18. Lazy texter, prefers to call directly
19. Used to be so childish
20. A really great friend. Shes always there when i need her.
1. Afraid of hair iron, eyeliner, eyelashes curler
2. Looks almost like chinese
3. Loves her bf. Very mucho. A loving person
4. Kalau suka makanan tu, its okay to spend hours enjoying pieces by pieces
5. Suka susu laici!
6. Loves planning things
-roadtrip,bday party, etc
7. Gets excited easily
8. Cat lover
9. Likes to scream when shes excited, nervous
10. If shes your bestfriend, she can be possesive. Whats hers, is hers.
11. She has an odd character
12. Wise at spending
13. About being goofy, she can be the leader
14. Not a veggie lover
15. Sometimes a secretive person
16. Rather go for a walk than watch a movie
17. Into paramore's song
18. Has beautiful teeth and high cheeks
19. Lulus lesen kereta sekali je tau
20. A good listener, kuat merajuk, kuat pujuk.
1. Has beautiful skin, a cute dimple
2. Loves her family and prioritize her family like 200%
3. Likes the colour orange
4. A really great friend
5. A mahomie fan! Hardcore. Topnotch
6. Suka tangkap gmbar angkat peace lepastu tutup mata hehe
7. Manja lah jugak, sensitive
8. Selalu tolong mak dia
9. Good in baking, cookies dia sedap boleh pengsan. Umpnh!
10. Clever girl, loves account
11. Neat hand writting
12. Responsible and hardworking
13. Just got her license:p
14. Eventho a december baby, her character potrays a more mature person
15. Penyabar. (At a new level)
16. Selalu gurau bahasa jawooo
17. If she laughs with ainaa, she wont stop
18. Knows how to play guitar and good at it!
19. Suka buli adik boy dia
20. Quite tall. sadly taller than me :(
1. Loves DIY
2. Really manja but shes cute like that
3. I love her presence, she always has the right things to say when calming someone
4. Dulu masa sekolah, cepat gelabah. Lagilagi time addmaths!!
5. I adore her relationship with her bf, beautiful pair
6. Downtoearth and giggly
7. Petite
8. Her family are all welcoming people
9. Lovely siblings because they all look alike and have such pretty face structure
10. Good taste in shoes and also in shawls
11. Dont matter wht type of shawl she lilits, they'll end up making her look pretty as always
12. Not a stingy person
13. Humble
14. Lovesssss travelling and roadtrip
15. Photogenic
16. I taught her how to drive a manual car, numbers of time and she's a quick learner
17. Likes baking,cooking,sewing
18. Her sisters/dad gave me a pair of turkey socks,knitted ones :D
19. She also likes playing badminton
20. A person who i can count on
And lastly ekyn,
1. Helped me a looot
2. Her house almost like my house
3. Pretty smile, prettiest eyes and lashes
4. Good english and likes speaking english
5. Incredibly inlove with lovely lace
6. Currently loving boost juice
7. Likes to talk a lot hehe
8. Patient but likes cursing in english:p
9. Kalau cerita hantu, dia lah suka tengok tapi paling kuat jerit
10. Loves lotion, any cream, anything to apply on face and body
11. Likes green tea. WITHOUT SUGAR. Ha kau
12. Likes to stay healthy
13. A hunger game freak
14. Suka pakai sanitizer, ever since sekolah lagi!!
15. Cat lover, tapi hidung cepat gatal sebab bulu bulu
16. Dulu zaman sekolah, suka makan nasi goreng bibik lama(atik) masak
17. Doesnt know how to be lovey dovey
18. Tak reti pujuk people so much. Just a pat and then she says youre okay!
19. Her labtop is macbook, has an ipod mini, ipod but not into having an iphone
20. She will always be there for me whenever im in need.
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