Yes. I am so lazy atm. Lazy to do everything, i wonder is it because i practice myself like this? How/What should i do to fight this laziness? Which might i remind you, IS A BAD THING. Currently the last day of my Midsem break, no kidding. I cant event list about 20 things that ive done that are beneficial and productive. I am not joking. Ten days and realizing tomorrow im gonna be back in Setiu, my hearts broken. Sigh.......

I did manage to spend time with my loved ones, bake a bit, clean a bit. Tho, like i told you. Not more than 20 good things.

I keep on wasting time on bed, scrolling my phone. Apalah sangat dalam handphone aku ni ha. Nothing at all. Socially social in the internet-world does not make you a social person (seriously). People that i know in real life, are crazily different from what they seem to be in the internet. Not all, some lah.

So as you can see here, there's not much i can blog about. CAUSE IM SUCH A BORE BORE. Nothings fun, plus my gals yang ada dekat bangi just qila and anis. I did afford to send dila to TBS, at Bandar Tasik Selatan. Yeah one hour in the car, 30mins in TBS. So met her just like that, not enough time to talk about everything. I really do miss my girls a lot. Things have been different. Sort of.

I really am looking forward for my first sem one to end. Wehoooo, 4sems to go. Jolly wolly wuu! ((:
As usually, before a rainbow, it has to rain first. My rain = Finals. My rainbow = 2months of holiday. Man oh man, i am so looking forward for that. Ive been thinking of working, daripada duduk dekat rumah terperap and becoming a zombie at home, might as well..bekerja and make some greens $$$


On the other hand, i came across this.

I can relate to this, not because i want to brag how i talk in English but because this happens, it does. Ive been there, done that. Truthfully, everything has its pros and cons. Ive been raise abroad, so when i speak, i will SLIGHTLY have some accent along with me, and i never noticed about my accent until i had to present an english speech.The lecturer was known as a brutally honest lecturer (some people are better that way) yeah. Okay then, she straight up told me "your english has an accent, others might not keep up with your accent". Terkejut, seriously...cause ive never been told.I 101% agree that people shouldnt be judgemental and narrow-minded, everyone is learning to be better in certain things each day -> other people should appreciate this effort. It is not easy for those who speak in english to make a speech in malay, same goes if it were the other way around. 

Might i add as well, kita seharusnya memartabatkan bahasa kita. Sejujurnya, bahasa english memudahkan saya merangkapkan sesuatu tanpa berasa aneh tentangnya. Kakak saya pernah cerita dekat saya, orang French sangatlah bangga dengan bahasa mereka sehinggakan cerita di wayang di tayangkan dalam bahasa French walaupun ia sebenarnya cerita buatan barat. Ini membuktikan, rakyat kita (bukan semua, tapi segenlintir) masih lebih senang dan selasa dengan bahasa inggeris, termasuklah saya. Evolusi harus berlaku, serius. Kalau bukan kita nak bangga dengan bahasa kita, siapa akan bangga? 

Typing in malay is so awkward (english)
Menaip dalam melayu amat pelik, aneh (malay)


p/s: Saya cuba untuk taip dalam bahasa Malaysia lebih banyak dalam blog yang akan datang. Sampai sini, borak lagi lain kali. Assalam! :)


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