
In life you will encounter a few people who seem like they're interested in staying in your life. But then again, always be a step ahead and learn how to differentiate what seem to be and what actually is going to be. Do you understand?im sorry about the sort of serabut-ish sentence. But its okay, ill elaborate some more. A)People who suddenly knocks the door tryna enter your life. Out of the blue, from a nobody to a somebody suddenly appears in your life. You get close, share things. At one point, youre almost sure they're gonna stay. Then one day, one fine day. You go thru ups and down & literally got stuck, suddenly you find yourself back in square one. As strangers, yet strangers with memories. B)They treat you like 'this is it, ive finally found it'. Naahh. one day, you just lost "it". You know youre actually attached when small things matters, you start to save search them at twitter, you stalk them ((everyday)), you feel like theres something wrong when he/she doesnt whatsapp you. Meh meh meh. Id say the phrase "people come and go" suits my title. Frankly, its true. In life, you'll only know who trully stays when youre in a heck of a predicament and you realize that person is right next to you, helping you get thru everything. Not just a one time help, a number of time and its always the same person. I dont mean to sound like some life-guru-quoting from twitter or whatever. But life, seems to treat me this way. The aching part would be, when you no longer say hi to each other. Start to unfollow one another in social sites. You might bump to each other & just an awkward smile is the least you can do. So they say everything has pros and cons? Slightly true. Mistakes are meant to be made, or else how would you know it was a mistake?kinda makes sense. Tho i kinda wish mistakes would not hurt this much. Till today, youre just left with memories and some wishes-i wish i never knew him, i wish things didnt end this way. Plenty of wishes mingling around the mind, just empty wishes. Despite every rollercoster ride, i choose to keep "life is too short to be unhappy" phrase in mind. Why jump in a pool of misery,depression and emotional thoughts when you could always look at the bright side? Save the depressed emotional pity please. People might come and go, but the ones who still stay. Appreciate is the exact precise word. Well, thats about it. Goodnight earthbugs


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