
I've never met anyone so sarcasm so annoying so freaking "amanah" to the max..
where this guy which works somewhere which i shall keep discrete since i mean no harm, but just to tell how annoyed i am towards this one makhluk tuhan -__-

See, it was like this. I woke up today around 8.30 then my sister asked me to accompany her to somewhere to certify her appreciation then i went. As i arrived, i'll just put the situation in dialog, much easier to imagine how it went ay?

my sister       : Saya nak sahkan sijil
sarcasm dude: Waalaikumusalam

*okay it was my sisters fault that she didnt gave salam, but yeah ada cara elok kan*

my sister        : Oh sorry, assalamualaikum
sarcasm dude : Ha nak apa
sister              : Nak mengesahkan sijil
sarcasm dude : Bawak copy original tak?
sister              : Tak
sarcasm dude : Maaf lah, yg mana tak bwk ori set takleh eh.
sister              : Mak saya dah maklumkan
sarcasm dude : Saya tak dpt arahan, so tak. saya akan pecah amanah kalau saya sahkan sijil ni. *which is just cop the paper. papppp liddat. so easy*
sister              : Ye, mak saya dah ada call
and before my sister could finish her sentence, dia dah potong
sarcasm dude : eh takleh takleh takleh, saya pecah amanah. saya bukan apa, saya pegang amanah saya. and babbles of about amanah
sister             : Oh ok

*please imagine a guy with sting eyes, looking at you down to up, like your just a peace of dustbin*

though, my mom had made a call and gave noticed that my sister would come by to ask the officer to certified the certificate...but.... the officer aka sarcasm dude did not even care, even tiny bit...

with his reason to be "amanah"
he said that if the upper officer did not give him any notice about my sister, he wouldnt certified the certificates. and yknow what! My sister dah pergii buat kali ke-3! yeah kali ke 3 just to certified the freaking certificates, ya tuhan!and whats worse is, my mom already had gave notice about my sister to the upper officer

and what bugs me is, he was like "Awak ni takleh ni takleh" and tak bagi chance orang nak ckp. he was so stubborn. okay good that he was with his amanah guard on, but budi bahasa budaya kita. Please do use it in your daily life mr. im so amanah...

Lesson here is, there is no point of holding your amanah and what not if you have zero manners. sumpah thats just useless, tak elok sangat. You wanna say something, sure you can. but there are ways that you can do it, so it sounds more appropriate. Its just lunatic how some people are so stubborn and high ego...lawak pun ada, just haih manner should be in the top three important things. 1- Agama, 2- Manners 3- Being just yourself...

To be patient is so hard,but as i've read once. "Kesabaran tu bukan ada pada orang yang pendam, tetapi beristigfar ketika marah" Just saying..even i cant really practice this, but ill try. *telinga keluar asap*


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